A lot of people ask me frequently: what should I buy, a caravan or a motorhome?
Si primul raspuns care imi vine sa-l dau este: depinde. Chiar daca la prima vedere pare un raspuns evaziv, este foarte mult adevar in el. Pentru ca fiecare vehicul recreational are avantaje si dezavantaje. Odata ce stii care sunt avantajele sau dezavantajele, poti decide ce ti se potriveste.
And the answer I initially tend to give is: it depends. Even though at first glance it would like an evasive answer, a lot of truth lies in it because every recreational vehicle has its ups and downs. Once you know them, you may decide what fits you best.
As incepe cu o scurta prezentare a fiecarei grupe de vehicule recreationale (RV = Recreational Vehicle) pentru a putea apoi discuta despre avantajele si dezavantajele fiecaruia.
I would like to begin with a shirt presentation of each group of RV's (RV = recreational vehicle), so we could later discuss about each of their advantages and disadvantages.
1. Rulota este un vehicul tractat, ca o cutie pe roti, prevazut cu una sau doua punti si un protap cu un sistem de cuplare la autovehiculul tractor.
1. A caravan is a towed vehicle, a sort of a box on wheels, having one or two axles and an A-frame with a coupling device to the towing vehicle.
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Dimension vary quite a lot, from 3 meters up to 7.50 or even 8 meters length for the box. The width is between 2 and 2.50 meters, most caravans being 2.10 meters wide. The height is between 2.30 and 2.50 meters. The weight of a caravan varies a lot depending on the dimensions of the box and the equipments installed. Therefore, the maximum authorized mass (MAM) may vary between 750 kg and 2000 kg or even more for longer caravans.
2. Van-ul amenajat este un autovehicul de transport marfa care a fost transformat intr-un RV prin instalarea tuturor sistemelor, instalatiilor si mobilierului existent intr-o rulota, fara modificarea caroseriei. Prin decuparea unor elemente nestructurale ale caroseriei se creeaza spatiile necesare pentru montarea geamurilor, a busoanelor de alimentare sau de golire, a grilelor si a altor accesorii necesare.
2. A converted van is a light commercial vehicle transformed in a recreational vehicle by installing all the systems and furniture that you can find in a caravan, without altering the body of the vehicle. By cutting away nonstructural elements of the body you can create the needed gaps for windows, feeding or emptying points, ventilation grids and other necessary accessories.
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Unlike the caravans, the converted vans have almost the same widths and heights (due to the standardization of the production line), the differences being made by lengths and MAM. Since most drivers own a B category driving licence, most converted vans have the MAM = 3500 kg.
3. Autorulota (sau camper-ul, cum mai este el cunoscut in Romania si in alte tari) reprezinta un RV, autopropulsat ca si van-ul amenajat, insa cu o suprastructura specifica, asemanatoare unei rulote.
3. The motorhome (also known in Romania and other countries as "camper") is a self-propelled RV, just like the converted van, but having a specially designed caravan-like structure.
www.caravansinternational.it |
In motorhomes, the width and the height are also standardized, the difference being made by the total length and its MAM. There are several basic vehicles, but lately the most used platform is the one of Citroen/Fiat/Peugeot with the Jumper/Ducato/Partner models. Motorhomes are also made on Ford, Mercedes, Renault or Iveco structures, but in smaller quantities.
Toate cele 3 categorii de RV au in interior dotarile necesare pentru locuit, cum ar fi de la 2 pana la 6 locuri de dormit, baie, bucatarie, spatii de depozitare si spatii tehnice. La exterior regasim in egala masura copertine retractabile, sisteme de transport pentru biciclete, sisteme de receptie TV, panouri fotovoltaice etc.
All three recreational vehicles categories have on the inside all the necessary living conditions, from two and up to six sleeping places, a bathroom, a kitchen and storage spaces.On the exterior, we find retractable awning, bicycle carrying systems, TV reception systems, solar panels, etc.
Spuneam la inceput ca fiecare grupa de RV-uri are avantaje si dezavantaje in utilizare. Acestea se pot dovedi un plus sau un minus la achizitionare. De aceea, pentru ca fiecare utilizator are propriile sale cerinte, voi spune ca inainte de achizitionarea unui RV este bine sa ne gandim cum il vom utiliza.
Like I said, every category of RVs has its own advantages and disadvatanges. These may influence our buying decision. Every family has its own travelling styles and this is why I believe that before acquiring an RV we must take evrything into consideration.
Suntem genul de familie care isi petrece concediul mergand intr-un singur loc, “baza” de unde plecam sa vizitam zona in excursii de cate o zi? Atunci cel mai potrivit RV este rulota, pe care o lasam in baza si ne deplasam cu masina in micile excursii planificate.
Are we the kind of family who spends its holiday going to one place, the “base”, from where we go and visit around in one-day trips? Then the most suitable RV is the caravan, which we’ll leave on the campsite and move around in our cars.
Suntem genul de familie care stam o zi intr-un loc, inca o zi in alt loc s.a.m.d.? Vizitam zona direct din masina? Atunci alegerea se va indrepta catre o autorulota, pentru mai multa mobilitate.
Are we the kind of family who spends a day in one place, another day in another place and so on? Do we visit directly from our cars? Then our RV of choice will be a more mobile one, the motorhome.
Suntem o familie cu doar doi membri care au multe weekend-uri libere si care iubesc sa hoinareasca pe drumuri forestiere, neamenajate si departe de lumea dezlantuita? Atunci cu siguranta RV-ul la care ma voi uita cu mai multa atentie este un van amenajat.
Are we a family of only two who have many free weekends and who love to wonder on country roads, far away form the wild world? Then the vehicle I will check out more carefull will definitely be the converted van.
Odata ales felul de RV care ni se potriveste, urmeaza un set de intrebari legate de dimensiunile RV-ului. Cate persoane vor folosi in mod curent acel RV? Cate persoane vor dormi noaptea in el si cate persoane vor calatori in el ziua (intrebarea este valabila doar pentru van-uri amenajate si pentru autorulote, deoarece in rulote NU se transporta persoane)? Ce dotari imi doresc? Am nevoie de sistem de receptie prin satelit, cu pozitionare automata? Am nevoie de sistem de aer conditionat independent sau alimentat de la reteaua electrica?
Once you have settled with your most suitable RV, the questions regarding its dimensions follow. How many persons will use that RV on a regular bases? How many persons will sleep in it and how many persons will travel inside it during the day (the latter part of this question is only available for converted vans and motorhomes, because people are NOT allowed to travel inside a caravan)? What specifications do I want? Do I need a satellite reception system, with an automatic positioning? Do I need an independent or main grid connected air conditioning system?
De asemenea, trebuie sa stiti foarte bine care este bugetul necesar pentru un RV cu dotarile dorite. De cele mai multe ori, primesc intrebari de genul urmator: “As vrea sa-mi cumpar o rulota fabricata dupa 2000, sa aiba boiler, sistem de receptie TV si sa coste maxim 2000 EUR. Ma puteti ajuta?”
Also, you must know very well the budget you will need for a recreational vehicle having the desired options. Most of the times, people ask me this: “I would like to buy a caravan manufactured after 2000, with a water boiler, TV reception system and of a maximum price of 2000 euros. Can you help me?”
De multe ori, cataloagele care contin tot ce am putea monta pe vehiculul nostru ne iau ochii si ne stimuleaza imaginatia. Realitatea bugetului disponibil insa ne aduce la o ajustare a dorintelor sau la o planificare a implinirii acestora in timp. Este cat se poate de adevarat ca, in final, mare parte din procesul de achizitie tine de arta compromisului: la ce renunt din ceea ce vroiam la inceput, in asa fel incat sa ma incadrez si in cerinte si in buget.
Many times, catalogs that contain everything we might install on our vehicle make our imagination run wild. But the reality of the available budget brings an adjustment of wishes or plan to fulfill them in time. It is true that in the end, a great part of the acquisition process is about the art of compromise: out of the things I want to buy, what will I let go of so I can fit in the budget and needs?
Spre exemplu, de-a lungul timpului am invatat sa nu fac nici un compromis la structura rulotei. Am achizitionat pentru unii clienti (si am consiliat multi alti clienti in vederea achizitionarii) rulote. La nici o rulota nu am acceptat compromisuri legate de structura acesteia, caci daca un frigider sau o soba pot fi reparate cu costuri modice, o reparatie structurala este foarte costisitoare, atat ca timp, cat si ca bani. Am reparat si repar structuri deteriorate cel mai adesea de infiltratiile de apa si am avut ocazia sa vad cat de mult rau poate face o infiltratie de apa intr-o structura de rulota sau autorulota.
To give you an example, throughout the years I’ve learned not to compromise when it comes to the structure of the caravan. I have bought for some clients caravan and I have given advice to many others regarding the acquisition of a caravan. I haven’t accepted any compromises for any caravan in regard to its structure, because while a refridgerator or a heating system may be repaired at moderate costs, a structural repair takes a lot of time and money. I have repaired and I still repair structures that have been deteriorated mostly by water infiltration and I have had the opportunity to see how much damage can a water infiltration do to a caravan or a motorhome.
Ganditi in avans la toate lucrurile care va vin in minte, oricat de ciudate vi s-ar parea. Cautati raspunsuri la cat mai multe din intrebari inainte de a cumpara rulota sau autorulota dorita. Nu va lasati fermecati de cuvintele vanzatorului, datoria lui este sa isi vanda produsul, insa banii sunt la voi in buzunar in aceasta faza. Cautati informatii, sfatuiti-va cu altii care au trecut deja prin acest proces de achizitie si care au deja experienta in utilizarea unui RV.
Think forward about everything that comes up in your mind, however weird they might seem. Look for answers to as many questions as possible before buying the RV you want. Don’t allow yourself to be charmed by the words of the seller, because his sole wish is to sell; for now, the money are still in your pocket. Look for information, ask for advise from others who have been through this buying process and who already know how to use a recreational vehicle.
Nu va feriti sa platiti o consultanta - ma puteti contacta oricand pentru asa ceva, suma fiind absolut modica- caci acei bani va pot scuti mai tarziu de multe batai de cap si de frustrari. A fost si a ramas dureros pentru mine sa fiu chemat la un proaspat posesor de RV si sa constat ca a fost inselat, ca a dat bani buni pe ceva mult supraevaluat, care acum necesita sume mari pentru a putea fi reparat; ii vad mereu bucuria si mandria cu care imi prezinta vehiculul si ma ustura sufletul sa-i arat ca a fost inselat... Uneori nici nu am puterea s-o fac, pur si simplu... Ii arat ce trebuie facut, cam cat dureaza, ce presupune reparatia si cat costa si il las sa inteleaga singur cat a fost pacalit la cumparare. Si evit sa-i privesc ochii, e prea multa dezamagire in ei.
Don’t refrain yourself from paying for a consulting session - you may always contact me for one, the cost of it being really moderate - because that humble amount of money may save you from many problems and frustrations later on. It always was and it still is painful for me to be called by a newly RV owner and see that he has been conned into paying a considerate amount of cash on something highly over evaluated, which now requires large sums of money for repairs; I always see the joy and pride with which they show me their vehicle and it brakes my heart to show them that they have been tricked... Sometimes I don’t even have the power to do it... I show them what needs to be done, how much time it would take to repair it, how much it costs and I let them decide to what extent he was fooled during purchase. I avoid looking in their eyes for there is too much disappointment that lies there.
In final va doresc sa ajungeti sa va bucurati de fiecare zi petrecuta cu cei dragi fie cu rulota, fie cu autorulota!
I wish you all end up enjoying every day you spend alongside your loved ones, either in a caravan, a converted van or a motorhome!
Sursa: arhiva personala |
2 comentarii:
Buna ziua! Cum putem intra in legatura? Ma intereseaza un van. Este urgent! :) Multumesc!
Buna ziua,
Va astept pe costin.tabra@gmail.com pentru a discuta detalii.
O zi minunata!
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