Last year, a gentlemen called me and told me he intended to made a trip through Europe with his caravan. He asked me to meet him and decide what improvments to do to his caravan for this trip.
Asa a inceput o colaborare care i-a permis acestui de acum prieten sa calatoreasca in Europa impreuna cu sotia si cei 3 copii timp de aproape 9 luni. Va invit sa vizitati pagina lor de internet:
So it began... a partnership that allowed this friend to travel around Europe with his wife and their 3 children for about 9 months. I invite you to visit his site:
I-am ajutat cu toate pregatirile rulotei (am instalat un sistem fotovoltaic pentru independenta energetica, am schimbat micul rezervor de apa original al rulotei cu un rezervor mai generos, de 40 litri, am facut o revizie generala a rulotei) si i-am urmarit de-a lungul calatoriei lor prin Europa.
I helped them with all the caravan's preparation (I installed a photovoltaic system for energy independence, I changed the small original water tank with another bigger one of 40 liters, I made a general revision of the caravan) and I followed them on their travel.
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Pe feribot / On the ferry |
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