duminică, 21 decembrie 2014

joi, 18 decembrie 2014

Vacante de iarna cu rulota

In urma cu ceva timp am scris un articol despre pregatirea rulotei pentru perioada de iarna. Dar citind mai multe articole despre rulotism, mi-am dat seama ca nu am "acoperit" toate domeniile de interes. Astfel incat, m-am hotarat sa scriu despre folosirea rulotei pe timpul iernii.

Some time ago, I wrote an articol about preparing the caravan for the winter period. But, reading several articles about caravanning, I realise I didn't cover all the aspects. So, I decided to write about winter caravanning.

Majoritatea posesorilor de rulota folosesc rulotele in perioada calda a anului. Insa excursiile cu rulota iarna au un farmec deosebit. Este adevarat ca provocarea este mai mare, sunt mai multe lucruri de luat in considerare, insa amintirile sunt nepretuite.

Most caravan owners use their caravans during the warm period of the year. But winter caravanning has it's charm. Yes, do you have more things to do, the challenge is greater, but the memories are priceless.

In primul rand ganditi-va unde vreti sa mergeti. Cautati locuri in care puteti ajunge cu rulota (si de unde puteti pleca inapoi spre casa) in orice conditii. Asigurati-va ca accesul in locatie este usor si independent de factorii meteorologici. Verificati temeinic toate sistemele si instalatiile rulotei, astfel incat sa preintampinati orice defectiune care ar putea sa apara. Apelati la specialisti pentru a modifica sistemul de distributie al aerului cald (daca rulota este dotata cu un astfel de sistem) in asa fel incat spatiul in care se afla butelia sa fie incalzit. Modificati instalatia de apa astfel fel incat rezervorul si conductele de apa sa se afle in interiorul rulotei si nu in afara, cum se mai intampla la unele rulote mai vechi. Puneti o mana de sare grunjoasa in rezervorul pentru apa reziduala (care de cele mai multe ori se afla in exterior) pentru a impiedica inghetarea continutului. Confectionati cate o "talpica" pentru fiecare picior de stabilizare si confectionati o "talpica" ceva mai lunga pentru roata de manevra, care sa impiedice afundarea lor in pamantul moale sau in zapada.

First of all, think of the destination. Find locations where you can enter with your caravan and leave safely, regardless of the road and campsite conditions. Be sure the access to that location is easy no matter what the weather conditions may be. Check carefully all the caravan systems and installations in order to prevent any malfunction that might appear. Call a specialist to modify the warm air distribution system (if the caravan is equipped with one) so the gas bottle space will be heated. Modify the water installation for the water tank and all the water hoses. They should be inside the caravan and not outside, as it is the case of older caravans. Put a small amount of rough salt inside the waste water tank (usually located outside the caravan) to prevent the content from freezing. Make up some sort of "feet" for each corner stabiliser and another longer piece of wood for underneath the front jockey wheel.

Mai mult decat vara, folositi cu incredere cortul rulotei sau, daca aveti, acele corturi de iarna care acopera doar o portiune din peretele rulotei, asa cum vedeti in imaginea de mai jos:

Use the caravan tent even more than during summers or, if you have one of those winter tents that cover only a part of the caravan sidewall, like you see in the image below:

Veti avea la dispozitie un spatiu in care sa lasati incaltamintea, imbracamintea si echipamentele de iarna (schiuri, sanie etc.), dar veti avea si un spatiu "preincalzit" astfel incat sa nu pierdeti prea mult aer cald atunci cand intrati sau iesiti din rulota.

This will be a space available for leaving your boots, your clothes and all the winter gear (ski, sledge etc.), but you will also have a "preheated" space in order to not loose too much warmth when you enter or exit the caravan.

Pe timpul sederii asigurati-va ca nu se depune zapada nici pe rulota, nici pe cort (mai ales). De asemenea, inspectati mai des decat in timpul verii scurgerile de apa reziduala precum si evacuarea gazelor arse de la soba (din cauza vaporilor de apa se poate produce gheata in acea zona, gheata care poate obtura buna evacuare a gazelor arse). Nu lasati frana de mana trasa, deoarece se poate produce lipirea sabotilor de tamburi si blocarea rotilor.

During your stay, don't let the snow accumulate on the caravan, nor on the tent. Also, inspect frequently the waste water sewage and the burned gas evacuation of the Truma heater (because of the water vapours, the frost can appear, clogging the evacuation). Don't leave the handbrake engaged as this could lead to the blockage of the wheels.
La plecare nu uitati sa goliti absolut toata apa din instalatia de apa (rezervoarele de apa proaspata, apa gri si rezervoarele toaletei, boiler si conducte). Stergeti cat se poate de bine cortul, betele si celelalte materiale utilizate si nu uitati ca, odata ajunsi acasa, sa le uscati in conditii potrivite pentru a impiedica deteriorarea lor.

When leaving, do not forget to drain all the water from the water installation (fresh water tank, waste water tank, toilet tanks, water heater, hoses). Clean and dry as well as you can the tent, the poles of the tent and all other materials and don't forget to dry them properly once you arrive home, in order to avoid their deterioration.

Ganditi-va intotdeauna la siguranta voastra si a echipamentului astfel incat sa va bucurati de iesiri cat mai frumoase, chiar si iarna!

Always think about the safety of you and your gear in order to have wonderful trips, even during winter!


luni, 1 decembrie 2014

La multi ani, Romania!


Acum 96 de ani, la Alba Iulia, avea loc Marea Unire si formarea Romaniei asa cum o stim astazi. Sa nu ne uitam radacinile! Sa nu uitam sperantele inaintasilor nostri!

The Great Union and the forming of Romania as we know it today took place 96 years ago, at the city of Alba Iulia. Let us not forget our origins! Let us not forget our forefathers hopes!

sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 2014

Sisteme de stabilizare pentru cuplele rulotelor

M-am gandit sa va ofer un documentar care descrie doua din sistemele de stabilizare ale unui atelaj, orice fel de atelaj (masina + rulota, remorca pentru cai, platforma, remorca pentru ambarcatiuni etc.).
I thought it would be intersting to watch a documentary which describes two stabiliser systems for a car-trailer combination.
Am avut ocazia sa conduc masina cu rulote echipate cu toate felurile de sisteme de stabilizare existente. Din punctul meu de vedere, desi este putin mai incomod datorita dimensiunilor, sistemul de stabilizare cu foaie de arc si articulatie cu discuri de frecare este cel mai eficient. Urmatorul sistem este cel cu pastile de frecare (exista modele cu 2 sau cu 4 pastile de frecare), iar pe ultimul loc este, evident, sistemul de cuplare fara nici un fel de stabilizator.
I had the chance of driving the car with caravans equipped with all kind of stabiliser systems. In my opinion, although this system is a little more difficult to manage due to its dimensions, the leaf spring with friction discs system is the most efficient system. Second in place comes the stabiliser system with friction pads (there are models with 2 friction pads and models with 4 friction pads), and the simple coupling device, without any stabiliser system comes last.
Oricare ar fi sistemul de stabilizare cu care este echipata rulota, este extrem de important sa cititi si sa respectati toate instructiunile de utilizare cuprinse in manualul utilizatorului. La fel de importanta este si intretinerea sistemului de stabilizare, astfel incat acesta sa-si faca datoria de fiecare data.
No matter what system your caravan (trailer) is equppied with, it is extremely important to carefully read and follow the instructions from the user manual. Equally important is the maintenance of the stabiliser system in order to allow it to perform at its best every time you use it.
Drumuri bune!
Safe driving!

duminică, 9 noiembrie 2014

Un proiect frumos

Anul trecut, ma suna un domn si imi spune ca vrea sa faca o excursie prin Europa cu rulota. Pentru asta ar vrea sa ne intalnim si sa vedem ce imbunatatiri ar trebui facute la rulota in vederea acestei calatorii.

Last year, a gentlemen called me and told me he intended to made a trip through Europe with his caravan. He asked me to meet him and decide what improvments to do to his caravan for this trip.
Asa a inceput o colaborare care i-a permis acestui de acum prieten sa calatoreasca in Europa impreuna cu sotia si cei 3 copii timp de aproape 9 luni. Va invit sa vizitati pagina lor de internet:
So it began... a partnership that allowed this friend to travel around Europe with his wife and their 3 children for about 9 months. I invite you to visit his site: www.viatapeindelete.com

I-am ajutat cu toate pregatirile rulotei (am instalat un sistem fotovoltaic pentru independenta energetica, am schimbat micul rezervor de apa original al rulotei cu un rezervor mai generos, de 40 litri, am facut o revizie generala a rulotei) si i-am urmarit de-a lungul calatoriei lor prin Europa.

I helped them with all the caravan's preparation (I installed a photovoltaic system for energy independence, I changed the small original water tank with another bigger one of 40 liters, I made a general revision of the caravan) and I followed them on their travel.

Pe feribot / On the ferry

marți, 28 octombrie 2014

Modificari legislative

Permis de conducere categoria B
Driving licence B category
In urma cu cateva zile am povestit cu un bun prieten despre achizitionarea unei rulote din Olanda. Discutand noi despre dimensiuni si greutati, i-am spus ca trebuie sa avem grija cu masa maxima autorizata (MMA) a ansamblului deoarece amandoi avem permis de conducere doar cu categoria B. El mi-a spus ca in urma ultimei modificari a Codului Rutier, din iunie 2014, nu mai avem aceasta problema. Deoarece au existat foarte multe discutii cu privire la acest subiect pe forumurile noastre de rulotisti, am cautat pe internet noul Cod Rutier si am gasit urmatorul text de lege:
“f) categoria B: 
1. autovehiculul a carui masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste 3.500 kg si al carui numar de locuri pe scaune, in afara conducatorului, nu este mai mare de 8;
2. ansamblul format dintr-un autovehicul tragator din categoria B si o remorca a carei masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste 750 kg;
3. ansamblul de vehicule a caror masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste 4.250 kg, format dintr-un autovehicul tragator din categoria B si o remorca a carei masa totala maxima autorizata depaseste 750 kg;

g) categoria BE: ansamblul de vehicule a caror masa totala maxima autorizata depaseste 4.250 kg, format dintr-un autovehicul tragator din categoria B si o remorca sau semiremorca a carei masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste 3.500 kg.”
A few days ago I was talking to a friend about the acquisition of a caravan from The Netherlands. Several issue were dimensions and weight and I told him that we should observe the maximum allowable running mass of the caravan in order to respect the B category driving licence requirements. My friend told me that according to the new Road Code, as of June 2014, we no longer have this problem. Because of so many discussions on the caravan related forums, I've searched the new Road Code and I found the following text:
f) B category:
1. motor vehicles with a maximum authorised mass not exceeding 3500 kg and designed and constructed for the transporting no more than eight passengers in addition to the driver;
2. ansamble formed from a towing vehicle from B category and a trailer with a maximum authorised mass which is not exceeding 750 kg;
3. ansamble of vehicles with a mass authorised mass not exceeding 4.250 kg formed from a B category towing vehicle and a trailer with a maximum authorised mass exceeding 750 kg; 
g) BE category: ansamble of vehicles with a maximum authorised mass exceeding 4.250 kg, formed from a B category towing vehicle and a trailer with a maximum authorised mass not exceeding 3.500 kg.”

Prin urmare, in acest moment, conform noului Cod Rutier, cu permis de conducere categoria B se poate conduce orice ansamblu de vehicule cu MMA de 4.250 kg SI in care remorca este mai grea de 750 kg (in vechiul Cod Rutier era prevazuta aceeasi limita de 4.250 kg, dar MMA a remorcii sau semiremorcii atasate nu putea sa depaseasca 750 kg).
At this moment, according to the new Road Code, with B category driving licence we can drive any combination of towing vehicle and trailer with maximum authorised mass not exceeding 4.250 kg AND the maximum authorised mass of the trailer exceed 750 kg (in the old Road Code there was the same limit of 4.250 kg, but the maximum authorised mass of the trailer was limited at 750 kg).
Iar cu permis de conducere categoria BE se poate conduce (respectand MMA inscrise in C.I.V.-ul autovehiculului tragator si a remorcii) un ansamblu cu MMA de pana la 7.000 kg.
And with BE category driving licence we can drive (respecting the maximum authorised mass stated in the homologation certificate of the towing vehicle and of the trailer) any ansamble of vehicle with maximum authorised mass not exceeding 7.000 kg.
Aceste modificari ale Codului Rutier largesc intr-o buna masura restrictiile impuse pentru categoria B si BE, avand in vedere ca la ora actuala sunt destul de multe rulote mari (cu MMA destul de mare) care sunt trase fie cu microbuze, fie cu autoturisme 4x4. In egala masura, aceste noi reglementari vin in ajutorul celor care opereaza si alt fel de ansambluri de vehicule, cum ar fi autovehicule pentru transport marfa sau autovehicule mixte care au atasate platforme/macarale tractate/platforme specializate pentru transport auto etc.
These modifications of the Road Code enlarge the restrictions imposed for B and BE category driving licence, considering that many caravans today are quite heavy and are towed either by a van or by an off-road vehicle. Also, these new regulations are good for the operators of any combination of vehicles, such as a small freight van or a mixt (freight / people) vans with special trailer like crane trailers, car carrier trailer etc.
Chiar si cu aceasta usoara relaxare legislativa, responsabilitatea conducerii unui ansamblu de vehicule ramane mult mai mare decat in cazul conducerii unui autovehicul fara remorca.
Even with this small legislative relaxation, I would like to say that the responsibility of driving an ansamble of vehicles remains greater than when driving a vehicle without a trailer.
Drumuri bune!
Safe driving!

vineri, 24 octombrie 2014

A venit vremea sa pregatim rulotele pentru iarna

Incetul cu incetul vremea buna si calduroasa face loc zilelor mohorate. Chiar daca si in aceasta perioada se mai pot face excursii cu rulota, majoritatea posesorilor de rulota se gandesc la sezonul urmator. Pentru a trece cu bine peste perioada rece in care nu folosim rulotele, va dau cateva sfaturi.

Little by little, the warmth and sunny days are replaced by gloomy days. You can still enjoy caravan trips even now, but most caravan owners are looking to the next season. In order to have a good caravan next year, I am offering you some advices for winter storage.

La exterior

On the exterior

Incepeti prin a spala rulota cu furtunul (niciodata cu aparatul de spalat cu jet sub presiune!), cu o solutie de sampon auto, folosind o perie moale cu coada lunga pentru a ajunge si pe acoperis. Asezati rulota in locul pentru iernat, coborati picioarele de calare si ridicati putin rulota, astfel incat sa descarcati o parte din greutatea ei de pe cauciucuri.

Start by washing your caravan with a hose (never with an under-pressure jet washing machine!), along with a car wash shampoo, using a soft brush with a long handle, so you could be able to reach the roof, too. Park your caravan in the desired spot, lower the corner stabilisers and thus lift the caravan a little to take a part of its weight off the tyres.

Dupa fixarea picioarelor, deblocati frana de mana si lasati-o libera, evitand astfel lipirea sabotilor de tamburii de franare. Ungeti cu vaselina consistenta mecanismele si articulatiile picioarelor de calare, pentru a preveni ruginirea acestora.

After fixating the stabilisers into place, release the brake handle to avoid the brake shoes sticking to the brake drums. To prevent rust, lubricate the mechanisms and the corner stabilisers' joints with a consistent vaseline.

Inchideti sistemul de cuplare al rulotei, evitand astfel mentinerea sub tensiune a arcurilor si a mecanismului acestuia. Ungeti articulatiile si piesele care vin in contact cu bila de remorcare a autoturismului pentru a evita ruginirea acestora (NU ungeti elementele de frictiune in cazul in care rulota este prevazuta cu sistem de cuplare cu dispozitiv antibalans).

Close the coupling system of the caravan to avoid maintaining its mechanism and springs under pressure. To prevent rust, oil the joints and pieces that come in contact with the towing ball of your car (where the caravan has a coupling system with a stabiliser system (AKS 1300, AKS 2000, etc.) DO NOT lubricate the friction elements).

Verificati integritatea cuplei (cuplelor) electrice si, daca este cazul, inlocuiti cuplele care prezinta urme de deteriorare. Protejati cuplele impotriva condensului invelindu-le intr-o bucata de panza. La final, montati husa de protap, pentru a proteja mecanismele de intemperii.

Check the status of the electric plug/plugs. If necessary, replace the one/ones that show any signs of damage. Protect the plugs against condensation by wrapping them with a piece of cloth. In the end, to protect the coupling mechanism and everything else there from any weather phenomenons, cover them with an A-frame protective cover.

Inchideti robinetul de gaz al buteliei si decuplati regulatorul de gaz de la butelie, iar butelia o depozitati intr-o incapere in care temperatura ambianta sa nu permita inghetarea gazului din interior. Se acopera stutul regulatorului de gaz cu o bucata de panza (NU cu plastic, pentru a evita formarea umezelii), pentru a impiedica patrunderea insectelor.

Turn off the access tap of the gas bottle and unplug the gas pressure regulator. Store the gas bottle in a chamber where the ambiant temperature won't allow the gas inside the bottle to freeze. Cover the connecting pipes of the pressure regulator with a cloth (NOT with plastic to avoid dampness), to prevent the access of insects inside it.

Acoperiti grilele de ventilatie ale frigiderului cu capace special proiectate pentru fiecare tip de grila in parte, pentru a evita patrunderea vantului, a ploii si a ninsorii in interiorul rulotei.

Cover the fridge ventilation grids with specially designed caps for each kind of grid in particular, to avoid wind, water and snow entering the caravan.

Demontati acumulatorul rulotei si pastrati-l intr-o incapere incalzita. O data pe luna se conecteaza acumulatorul la un redresor adecvat pentru mentinerea caracteristicilor electrice pana la deschiderea sezonului urmator, controland si nivelul / densitatea electrolitului. NU se demonteaza acumulatorul daca rulota este prevazuta cu panou fotovoltaic, ci doar se controleaza (daca acumulatorul este de tip cu acid lichid) nivelul / densitatea electrolitului.

Unmount the caravan battery and keep it in a warm room. Once a month, connect the battery to a proper rectifier to maintain the electric characteristics until the opening of the next season, also controling the level/density of the electrolyte. DO NOT unmount the battery if the caravan has a solar panel, simply control the level/density of the electrolyte (if the battery has liquid acid inside).

Cortul se curata dupa fiecare utilizare. Daca nu ati facut acest lucru, este foarte important sa o faceti acum. Pentru asta, se intinde cortul pe o suprafata uscata si se curata resturile vegetale, urmele de noroi si eventuala umezeala adunata intre falduri. NU strangeti cortul umed, caci depozitarea lui pe perioada iernii va duce la aparitia mucegaiului si deteriorarea ireversibila a panzei.

The tent is cleaned after each use. If you haven't done this so far, it is important that you do so now. For this operation, lay the tent on a dry surface and clean the vegetable remains, traces of mud and the moisture that might be trapped between the folds. DO NOT pack the tent while moist because storing it so over the winter time will lead to mold and the irreversible deterioration of the tent fabric.

La interior

On the inside

Asigurati-va ca orificiile de ventilatie prevazute de constructorul rulotei nu sunt obturate, pentru a permite astfel aerisirea rulotei si a impiedica formarea condensului.

Make sure that the ventilation holes provided by the manufacturer are not blocked to allow the ventilation of the caravan and prevent the forming of condensation.

Goliti pe cat posibil dulapurile si sertarele, inclusiv banchetele, lasandu-le deschise pentru a asigura o minima circulatie a aerului. Ridicati pernele de burete si lasati-le "vraiste" tot pentru a asigura circulatia aerului in interiorul rulotei.

Empty as much as you can from the cabinets, drawers and storage areas under the seats, leaving them opened to insure a minimum air circulation. Lift the foam cushions and leave them fall as they do, unorganised, also insure the air circulation between them.

Goliti integral sistemul de apa al rulotei. Respectati instructiunile de golire cerute de producatorul rulotei sau de producatorul boilerului pentru apa calda, daca rulota este echipata cu asa ceva. Goliti si rezervorul de ape reziduale, daca rulota este prevazuta cu asa ceva si curatati-l cu apa si detergent. Lasati robinetele de la chiuvete deschise, astfel incat daca mai ramane apa in instalatie, aceasta sa nu produca spargerea furtunelor sau conductelor de apa in timpul iernii. Scurgeti apa din pompe, atat cat este posibil, pentru a evita spargerea acestora din cauza dilatarii produse de gheata.

Completely drain the caravan's water system. Follow the clearing instructions laid out in the user manuals by the manufacturer of the caravan and the manufacturer of the water heater (if the caravan has one). If the caravan is equipped with a residual water tank, drain it and clean it with detergent. Leave the sink taps opened so that any water left in the system to drip out, avoiding thus the breaking of the hoses or water pipes during the winter. Drain the water out of the pumps as much as you can, so that the expansion of the water when it turns into ice won't cause the pumps to break.

Goliti rezervorul de apa proaspata si rezervorul de reziduuri al toaletei. Spalati cu apa si detergent si clatiti apoi rezervorul de reziduuri, pentru a evita aparitia mirosurilor neplacute.

Drain both tanks of the toilet. Wash the residual tank with detergent to avoid unpleasant smells.

Frigiderul se goleste, se spala in interior, se usuca si se lasa usa intredeschisa pentru a permite ventilarea si a preveni aparitia mirosurilor neplacute.

Empty, wash and dry the refridgerator and leave the door slightly opened to allow ventilation and prevent any unpleasant smells.

Jaluzelele si plasele contra insectelor (cele prevazute cu mecanism cu arc) se pastreaza in pozitia in care mecanismul cu arc NU este tensionat. Acest lucru impiedica deteriorarea arcurilor, precum si a mecanismelor de retinere. Montarea unor draperii de panza impiedica privirile indiscrete, precum si decolorarea interiorului rulotei.

The blinds and nets (those that have a spring mechanism) are left in the position in which the spring mechanism is NOT under tension. This prevents the damage of the springs, as well as of the blocking mechanism. Mounting some cloth drapes will stop any unwanted glances and also pevents the inside of the caravan from discoloration.

Daca nu aveti timp pentru aceste pregatiri, contactati-ma.

If you do not have time to perform these preparations, contact me.

luni, 20 octombrie 2014

Bine ati venit!

Bine ati venit pe blogul meu! Va invit sa discutam despre calatorii, despre rulote, autorulote, van-uri amenajate si despre orice alt fel de vehicul care ne permite sa petrecem vacante de neuitat in natura, dar in confort si siguranta. 

Welcome to my blog! Let's talk about travelling, about caravans and motorhomes, about vans and any other recreational vehicles that help us spend wonderful times in nature, but also in full comfort and safety.