duminică, 19 aprilie 2015

Van-ul amenajat

Continui clasificarea RV-urilor, inceputa cu ceva timp in urma... (Remorca cort), (Rulota clasica)

Carrying with the classification of the RVs that I began a while ago... (Trailer tent), (Caravan)

Van-ul amenajat a aparut odata cu dorinta de a petrece timpul liber prin acoperirea unor distante considerabil mai mari intr-un timp mai scurt decat permite vacanta cu rulota, cu cheltuieli minime si pastrand acelasi standard de confort interior. Ideea a fost de a transforma un vehicul gata existent intr-un vehicul nou cu o alta functie decat cea pentru care fusese proiectat initial. Primele van-uri amenajate au fost simple dube de transport marfa sau de transport persoane, carora li s-a atasat mobilier, instalatie de gaz, instalatie electrica si de apa, astfel incat sa permita atat calatoria in conditii de siguranta si viteza, cat si posibilitatea de odihna in locuri neamenajate pentru campare (parcari pe autostrazi de exemplu).

The converted van came to light when the desire to spend free time travelling far distances in a shorter period of time, with minimum expenses and keeping the same standard of interior comfort emerged. The intention was to transform an already made vehicle into another vehicle for another use than the one for which it was initially designed. The first converted vans were simple vans designed to carry people or cargo in which furniture, gas, electrical and water installation were added so it could allow travelling with safety as well as with speed and also resting in not proper camping sites (motorway parking areas for instance).

Primele van-uri amenajate au fost realizate astfel incat sa corespunda necesitatilor particulare ale clientilor. Caroseria ramanea aceeasi, singurele modificari fiind facute in interiorul masinii. Daca vehiculul original era destinat transportului de persoane, transformarea tinea cont de multimea de geamuri existente. Daca vehiculul original era destinat transportului de marfa, atunci se amenaja un spatiu destinat cu prioritate dormitului.

The first converted vans were made to correspond to the specific needs of the customers. The body of the van remained the same while all the alterations were made inside the vehicle. If the original vehicle was destined to carry people, then the conversion would depend on the number of windows that already exist. If the initial vehicle was a cargo van, then a place specially designed for sleep was made.

Evolutia in timp a dorintelor si necesitatilor de confort ale proprietarilor a condus la modificari inclusiv structurale. Astfel, caroseria dubei de marfa a fost decupata pentru a face loc ferestrelor, grilelor de aerisire, trapelor de ventilatie, prizelor exterioare si altor dispozitive necesare. Asa arata un van amenajat de colegii nostri de la Reimo, Germania:

The evolution of comfort needs and requirements from the customers led also to structural changes. Thus, the body of the cargo van has been cut to make room for windows, ventilation grids, roof vents, exterior sockets or anything else needed. This is how a converted van made by our colleagues from Reimo, Germany, looks like:

Sursa: www.reimo.com
In interior, van-ul amenajat arata excelent:

Inside it looks excellent:

Sursa: www.reimo.com

 Ca si la rulote, latimea si inaltimea sunt relativ identice de la un model la altul, variabila fiind lungimea caroseriei. Astfel, cele mai mici van-uri amenajate au lungimea totala de circa 5 m, iar cele mai lungi pot ajunge la o lungime de 6,5 m sau chiar in unele cazuri de 7 m. O lungime mare a caroseriei, chiar daca ofera spatiu interior ceva mai generos, are insa dezavantajul de a lungi cumva nefiresc masina, ceea ce o face sensibila la denivelari, treceri de cale ferata, sine de tramvai, bumper-e pentru micsorarea vitezei, borduri etc. Cu cat lungimea partii din spate este mai mare, cu atat mai restranse sunt posibilitatile de a face fata la alte suprafete de drum in afara soselelor asfaltate. adaugat despre “coada” prea lunga...

Just like with caravans, the width and the height are almost identical from one model to another, while its length varies depending on the body of the van used. This is how the smallest converted vans are 5 m long, while the longest ones can reach a length of 6,5 m or even 7 m. A big length of the body, even if it offers a slightly more generous interior space, has the disadvantage of lengthening the car in a somehow unnatural way, which exposes it on bumps in the road, rail road passings, tramway tracks, speed bumpers, street borders, etc. The more the length of the back is bigger, the more the chances of coping with diverse road surfaces decrease.

Masa maxima autorizata este in general de 3500 kg, pentru a permite conducerea de catre soferii care au carnet de conducere categoria B. Odata cu aparitia vehiculelor comerciale mici, cum ar fi Ford Tourneo Connect, VW Caddy, Peugeot Partner, Renault Kangoo, au aparut si amenajari ale acestor vehicule. Cu toate acestea, datorita spatiului interior redus, aceste autovehicule nu sunt considerate de multi a fi van-uri amenjate. Eu le mentionez deoarece exista, sunt un segment de nisa si trebuie mentionate.

The Maximum Allowed Mass is usually of 3500 kg to allow the vans to be driven by drivers with B-category drivers’ licence. Once the small commercial vehicles such as Ford Turneo Connect, VW Caddy, Peugeot Partner, Renault Kangoo appeared, conversions for these vehicles also appeared. Even so, due to the small space inside, many don’t consider these vehicles to be converted vans. I mention them because they exist, they belong to a narrow market segment and they have to be mentioned.

Cum rulotele au cort, complet sau doar partial, van-urile au parasolarul retractabil, cu sau fara pereti laterali si perete frontal. Se monteaza pe laterala dreapta a acoperisului, asa cum vedeti in imaginea de mai jos:

As the caravans have tents, either full or partial ones, the converted vans have a retractable sun visor, with or without side walls and front wall. They are mounted on the right side of the roof, as you can see below:

Sursa: www.sprinterstore.com

Exista cativa producatori de kituri de conversie a van-urilor, ale caror produse sunt specifice fiecarui tip de vehicul de baza, ba mai mult, exista kituri specifice pentru diferite ampatamente ale van-ului de origine. Accesoriile sunt in general cele specifice rulotelor, insa datorita particularitatilor constructive de forma, exista seturi de adaptare pentru fiecare model de masina in parte. Adica se poate monta acelasi parasolar retractabil pe mai multe tipuri de masina numai folosind kitul de montaj specific tipului respectiv de masina.

There are a few conversion kits manufacturers,whose products are specific to each type of basic vehicle and even more, there are conversion kits specific to different wheel bases. Usually the accessories are the ones specific to caravans, but due to the particularities of the shape constructions, kits to adapt for each model of car are available. Meaning that you can install the same sun visor using the mounting kit for the exact car model.

In ultima perioada, ca vehicul de baza s-a impus tripleta Fiat Ducato/Citroen Jumper/Peugeot Boxer, in principal datorita pretului de achizitie accesibil, precum si datorita dimensiunilor interioare generoase pe care le ofera.

Lately, as a basic vehicle we usually see Fiat Ducato, Citroen Jumper or Peugeot Boxer, mainly due to the accessible acquisition price as well as the generous interior spaces they have to offer.

In Romania, Registrul Auto Roman (R.A.R.) precizeaza ca modificarile structurale ale vehiculelor de transport marfa / persoane se pot face numai de catre firme autorizate in acest sens (firmele autorizate de carosari auto). Asta daca proiectul presupune decuparea panourilor pentru montarea ferestrelor si, eventual, montarea unui al doilea rand de banchete pentru pasagerii suplimentari. Daca proiectul nu include modificari structurale, atunci nu este necesara vizita la un carosier.

In Romania, the Romanian Road Authority (R.A.R.) states that any structural alterations made to cargo or people vans can only be made by companies properly authorised. This if the project includes cutting the side panels and, probably, installing a second round of seats for suplimentary passengers. If the project does not include any structural alterations, then you don’t have to visit a body-work mechanic.

Am contribuit la conversia catorva van-uri de-a lungul anilor si pot spune ca rezultatele au fost diferite de la caz la caz, in functie de dorintele fiecarui proprietar. Pentru proiecte de conversie ma puteti cauta oricand, caci imi face placere sa ma implic in proiecte noi si imi plac provocarile. Intr-un capitol urmator va voi dezvalui la ce proiect personal visez, cand am timp sa visez ;-).

Over the years I have taken part in a few van conversions and I may say that the results were different from project to another, depending on the requests from each owner. I like new projects and I am opened to new challenges, so feel free to reach me for any conversion project. In a future chapter I shall tell you about the project I am dreaming of, that is when I have time to dream ;-).

Va urma... 

To be continued...

Duminica fara cuvinte


joi, 9 aprilie 2015

Rulota clasica

Continui cu descrierea diverselor grupe de RV-uri... (Remorca cort)

I shall continue describing the groups of RVs... (Trailer tent)

Ca si la remorca-cort, aparitia rulotei nu este foarte bine determinata in timp. Ea a tinut cont de evolutia automobilelor si a aparut la putin timp dupa acestea. O rulota de la inceputurile rulotismului arata cam asa:

Just as the tent-trailer, the first caravan is not very well determined in time. It emerged a little while after the evolution of cars:


Ma refer in acest articol la rulotele atasate automobilelor, caci evident, au existat “case pe roti” cu mult inainte de aparitia automobilului. Cel mai frumos exemplar este acesta, construit inainte de 1885 si utilizat pana in 1960:

In this article I would like to tell you about caravans towed by cars since it’s obvious that the so-called “houses on wheels” go back long before the first car existed. The most beautiful model is one built before 1885 and used until 1960:

Aceasta casa pe roti avea o lungime de 30 ft (aproximativ 9 m) si era trasa de 2 cai la inceput, mai apoi de 4 cai. Interiorul este deosebit, fiind lucrat in intregime din lemn de mahon si artar, vopsit in negru si auriu.

This house on wheels was 30 ft long and it was towed by 2 horses to begin, later reaching 4 horses. The interior is special since it is completely made out of mahogany and maple wood, dyed in black and gold.

Revenind la casutele noastre pe roti, desi initial au fost construite rulote cu structura fixa, la un moment dat, pentru imbunatatirea coeficientului aerodinamic al atelajului si pentru o scadere a consumului de combustibil, cineva a avut ideea de a plia peretii rulotei, astfel aparand rulota plianta. Nici aici nu este certa “data nasterii”, insa am gasit pe internet o poza a unei rulote pliante fabricate in 1949:

Returning to our cottages on wheels, although initially caravans with fixed structure were built, at some point, to improve the aerodynamic coefficient of the ensemble and the fuel consumption, somebody had the idea to fold the walls of the caravan, thus creating the folding caravan. Once again, there isn't a certain ''birth date'' of it, but I managed to find on the internet a photograph of a folding trailer built in 1949:

Acest model, fabricat de catre compania Wessex din Marea Britanie este cumva un hibrid intre o remorca-cort si o rulota, deoarece peretii laterali sunt rigizi in partea de jos si din panza in partea extensibila, iar acoperisul este de asemenea rigid si curbat... La locul de campare se desfasoara si arata ca mai jos:

This model, manufactured by Wessex, in Great Britain, is a sort of a hybrid between a tent trailer and a caravan because the bottom of its side walls is rigid and the extensive part is made of cloth, while the roof is also rigid and curved... It is mounted at the campsite and it looks like this:

La inceputul anilor ‘60 apare conceptul de rulota plianta, asa cum il stim noi astazi. Doua sunt firmele care au pus la punct sisteme usor de folosit pentru ridicarea structurii unei rulote pliante. Una dintre ele a fost compania franceza Rapido, care a construit o rulota plianta pornind de la o structura asemanatoare d.p.d.v. al dimensiunilor cu o remorca-cort.

The concept of a folding caravan as we know it today emerged at the beginning of the 60s. There are two companies that made easily-used systems for upholding the structure of a folding caravan. One of those two companies was the French company Rapido, that built a folding caravan starting from a structure similar to the dimensions of a trailer tent.

Arhiva personala

 In configuratie de mers, aceasta rulota plianta avea dimensiunile cutiei de 2,00 m x 1,60 m si inaltimea de la sol de 0,85 cm, cu MMA = 495 kg. Desfasurata, devenea o rulota in toata regula, cu dimensiunile cutiei de 3,60 m x 2,00 m si cu inaltimea maxima interioara de circa 1,90 m, asa cum arata mai jos:

In its travelling configuration, this folding trailer had the dimensions of the box of 2,00 m x 1,60 m and its ground height of 0,85 cm, with a Maximum Allowed Mass of 495 kg. Unfolded, it became an actual caravan, having the dimensions of the box of 3,60 m x 2,00 m and an interior maximum height of 1,90 m, as you can see below:
Arhiva personala

Interiorul era prevazut cu locuri de dormit pentru maxim 4 persoane, cu masa pliabila, cu dulap pentru haine, cu un corp de bucatarie cu chiuveta si aragaz cu 2 ochiuri, cu instalatie electrica pentru iluminat si priza electrica la 220V.

The interior had sleeping areas for a maximum of 4 persons, a foldable table, wardrobe, kitchen area with a sink and a two-eyed stove, electrics for lightning and a 220V electric socket.

Arhiva personala

 Pe protap exista o cutie din aluminiu in care se gaseau butelia de gaz si un mic frigider cu capacitatea de 30 l, precum si un mic spatiu de depozitare pentru accesorii. Cei de la Rapido au ramas fideli conceptului de rulota plianta pana in zilele noastre, unul din ultimile modele fabricate de ei aratand astfel:

On the towing bar there was an aluminum box where you would find the gas bottle, a small fridge with a storage capacity of 30L and a small storage space for accessories. Rapido stayed loyal to the foldable caravan concept up to this day, when one of their models look like this:

O alta companie producatoare de rulote pliante este tot din Franta, ca si Rapido si se numeste Esterel. Rulotele Esterel s-au fabricat intre 1964 si 2001. Spre deosebire de Rapido, cei de la Esterell au pastrat podeaua rulotei dintr-o bucata si au pliat peretii, asa cum vedeti in imaginea de mai jos:

Also from France is another folding trailer manufacturer, named Esterel. The Esterels were manufactured between 1964 and 2001. Unlike Rapido, the Esterels kept the floor of the caravan in one piece and folded the walls, as you may see below:

Acest model se mareste prin ridicarea acoperisului si deplierea peretilor laterali, in final obtinandu-se o rulota cu dimensiuni comparative cu cele ale unei rulote clasice:

This model ''grows'' by lifting the roof and unfolding the side walls. When installed, it reaches the dimensions of a classical caravan:

In paralel cu aceste modele deosebite de rulote pliante au aparut rulotele clasice. Acestea au una sau doua punti, o structura de rezistenta de tip panou sandwich, format din tabla de aluminiu la exterior, cadre din lemn umplute cu polistiren si placaj tapetat sau melaminat la interior. Exista si rulote al caror invelis exterior este din fibra de sticla sau plastic, insa acestea sunt mai putine.

Along with these special models of folding trailers emerged the classical caravans. They have one or two axels, sandwhich type structure, exterior aluminum board format, wooden frames filled with polystyrene and interior walls covered with melamine or wallpaper. There are a few caravans that have an exterior made out of fiber glass or plastic.
Primele rulote au aparut la inceputul secolului al XX-lea si imediat dupa primul razboi mondial aratau cam asa:

The first caravans were manufactured at the beginning of the twentieth century and soon after the WWI they looked like this:

De-a lungul anilor, rulotele au tinut pasul cu evolutia automobilelor:

Over the years, the caravans kept pace with the evolution of the cars:

iar in anii ‘60 deja aveau un aspect mult mai apropiat cel cunoscut azi:

and by the the 60s, they already had a much more closer aspect to the one we now know:

Evolutia rulotelor pana in anii ‘90 nu a inregistrat schimbari fundamentale, in interior existand inca de la inceput spatii pentru dormit, spatii de depozitare si o mica bucatarie. Instalatia electrica de iluminat interior, prize electrice, un sistem de incalzire cu gaz, instalatie de apa cu un rezervor, pompa manuala la inceput, pompa electrica mai tarziu, erau dotari standard. Odata cu cresterea nevoii de confort, la rulotele din clasa superioara a aparut incaperea cu destinatie de toaleta. Aceasta a devenit standard chiar si la rulotele de dimensiuni mai mici. Asa arata prima noastra rulota, Roller, fabricata in 1982:

The evolution of caravans did not show fundamental changes until the 90s, having in the interior from the very beginning sleeping spaces, storage areas and a small kitchen. The electrical installation for interior illumination, electric sockets, gas heating systems, tank water installation, manual pump at the beginning and electrical pump later, were standard features. Once the need of comfort rose, the superior class caravans had a bathroom. This feature became a standard feature even for smaller caravans. This is how our first caravan, a Roller manufactured in 1982, looked like:

Arhiva personala

Latimea uzuala a unei rulote este cuprinsa intre 2,05 m si 2,20 m, insa exista si rulote late de 2,50 m. Inaltimea uzuala a unei rulote este de circa 2,40 - 2,50 m, insa aceasta poate varia in functie de echipamentele aditionale montate pe acoperis. Ceea ce diferentiaza in primul rand rulotele este lungimea “cutiei”. Exista rulote cu lungimea cuprinsa intre 3,00 m si 7,50 m sau chiar mai mult (cea mai lunga rulota pe care am vazut-o avea lungimea cutiei de 8,15 m...). Greutatea rulotelor variaza foarte mult, de la 800 kg pana la 2000 kg sau chiar mai mult.

The usual width of a caravan is between 2,05 m and 2,20 m, while there are wider trailers of even 2,50 m. The usual height of a caravan is 2,40 - 2,50 m, but it can vary depending on the additional equipments mounted on the roof. What makes the biggest difference between caravans is the length of the ''box''. Caravans have a length set between 3,00 m and 7,50 m or even longer (the longest caravan I've seen had a length of the box of 8,15 m...). Their weight varies a lot, starting from 800 kg and up to 2000 kg or even more.

Unul dintre accesoriile cele mai importante ale rulotelor este cortul. Acesta are rolul de a extinde suprafata utila a rulotei si de a oferi un adapost in cazul zilelor foarte calduroase, dar si in caz de vant sau de ploaie. Asa arata rulota noastra cu cortul montat:

One of the most important accessories for a caravan is the tent. It expands the usable space of the caravan and it provides shelter during very warm days, but also during those days when there's wind or rain. This is how our caravan with its tent looks like:

Arhiva personala

Dupa 2000, dar mai ales in ultimii ani, rulotele s-au schimbat destul de mult, mai ales din punct de vedere estetic. La aceasta au contribuit noile procedee de fabricatie si noile materiale. Nu in ultimul rand, cerintele clientilor au devenit mult mai mari, rulota fiind privita din ce in ce mai mult ca a 2-a casa si nu ca un mod ieftin de petrecere a concediului. Asa arata o rulota de ultima generatie, fabricata de Knaus-Tabbert in 2012:

After the year 2000, especially during the last few years, caravans have changed a lot, mostly when it comes to design due to new technologies and new materials. Also, the clients' requirements have gradually increased since the caravan is now seen as a second home, rather than a cheap way of spending the holiday. This how a latest generation caravan, manufactured by Knaus-Tabbert in 2012, looks like:

Ca si in cazul remorcii-cort, evolutia rulotelor a fost constanta de la aparitie si pana in zilele noastre. Si totusi, fundamental rulota a ramas aproape neschimbata, oferind libertate de calatorie in conditii de confort net superioare remorcii-cort.

Just like the tent trailers, the evolution of the caravans has been constant even until today. Still, fundamentally, the caravan has stayed mostly the same, offering us the freedom to travel in a higher level of comfort than with a tent trailer.

Va urma...

To be continued...