vineri, 29 mai 2015


La dorinta de a petrece timpul liber cat mai aproape de natura s-a adaugat in timp nevoia de mobilitate si viteza crescute, pe care rulota nu le putea oferi. Rezultatul firesc a fost “contopirea” rulotei cu autovehiculul tragator.

In time, the desire to have a higher level of mobility and speed added to the desire of spending time as close to nature as possible, so naturally, the caravan was combined wit its towing vehicle.

Autorulota este un autovehicul recreational construit pe un sasiu de autoutilitara, de la care s-a utilizat cabina, sasiul si toata infrastructura de rulare si careia i s-a adaugat o suprastructura similara celei folosite la rulote. Una dintre primele autorulote, construite in 1929, arata asa:

The motorhome is a recreational vehicle (RV) built on a light commercial vehicle. A structure close in shape to the caravan was added to the automotive part of the initial vehicle. One of the first motorhomes, built in 1929, looked like this:

Si in acest domeniu evolutia a tinut pasul cu progresul tehnologic, astfel ca prin anii ‘50 - ‘60 s-a ajuns la forme mai familiare cu cele din zilele noastre.Autorulota fabricata in 1969 pe un sasiu Ford:

Of course, the evolution kept up with the technological progress and so, in the 1950s-1960s, we can see shapes that are more similar to the motorhomes we see today, like this 1969 motorhome built on a Ford chassis:
Astazi, exista 3 categorii mari de autorulote, asa cum le vedeti in imaginea de mai jos:

Today, we have three large motorhome categories, as you can see below:

Autorulota cu alcov (capucina) este modelul de autorulota cel mai frecvent intalnit, care are o suprastructura deasupra cabinei de conducere, in care se afla de obicei un pat pentru 2 persoane. Arata asa:

The motorhome with an over-cabin structure is the most common one. Usually, in that extra structure, we can find a two-person bed. They look like this:

Autorulota semi-integrala este asemanatoare cu autorulota cu alcov, deosebirea constand in faptul ca suprastructura de deasupra cabinei este mult mai mica in inaltime, avand rolul de a permite trecerea comoda din zona de conducere in zona de recreere. Arata asa:

The half-integrated motorhome is similar to the over-cabin structure motorhome, except that this over-cabin structure is a lot smaller, allowing a comfortable passing from the driving area into the recreational area. They look like this:
Autorulota integrala reprezinta segmentul superior din clasa autorulotelor, fiind de fapt o structura autoportanta construita pe sasiu de autoutilitara, dar care nu mai pastreaza decat elementele tehnice de la sasiul initial, nu si cabina. O integrala arata asa:

The integrated motorhome represents the superior sector from the motorhomes class, due to its self-supported structure which is built on a light commercial vehicle chassis, but this one keeping only the initial chassis and no longer the cabin. An integrated motorhome looks like this:
Ca si la rulote, exista anumite dimensiuni relativ standard, cum ar fi latimea si inaltimea, dar exista diferente foarte mari in ceea ce priveste lungimea. Exista autorulote (indiferent de categorie) incepand de la circa 5,50 m si mergand in lungime pana la 8,00 m. Ca si la van-urile amenajate, majoritatea autorulotelor au masa maxima autorizata de 3500 kg, pentru a permite conducerea lor de catre posesorii unui carnet de conducere categoria B.

Just like caravans, the width and height are relatively standard, but there are major differences when it comes to length. Regardless of the category, there are motorhomes that have lengths ranging between 5,50 m and 8,00 m. The motorhomes also have a Maximum Allowed Mass of 3500 kg so that drivers owning a B category lincese could drive them with no problems.

In interior exista aceleasi dotari existente si la rulote, la care se adauga echipamente specifice autorulotelor, cum ar fi blocurile electrice de alimentare, rezervoarele pentru apa uzata, antenele automate sau semiautomate pentru receptia programelor TV transmise prin satelit.

Inside we find the same amenities as caravans have, but we also find motorhome specific equipments, such as power supply electric blocks, used water tanks, automatic/semi-automatic satellite dishes.

duminică, 19 aprilie 2015

Van-ul amenajat

Continui clasificarea RV-urilor, inceputa cu ceva timp in urma... (Remorca cort), (Rulota clasica)

Carrying with the classification of the RVs that I began a while ago... (Trailer tent), (Caravan)

Van-ul amenajat a aparut odata cu dorinta de a petrece timpul liber prin acoperirea unor distante considerabil mai mari intr-un timp mai scurt decat permite vacanta cu rulota, cu cheltuieli minime si pastrand acelasi standard de confort interior. Ideea a fost de a transforma un vehicul gata existent intr-un vehicul nou cu o alta functie decat cea pentru care fusese proiectat initial. Primele van-uri amenajate au fost simple dube de transport marfa sau de transport persoane, carora li s-a atasat mobilier, instalatie de gaz, instalatie electrica si de apa, astfel incat sa permita atat calatoria in conditii de siguranta si viteza, cat si posibilitatea de odihna in locuri neamenajate pentru campare (parcari pe autostrazi de exemplu).

The converted van came to light when the desire to spend free time travelling far distances in a shorter period of time, with minimum expenses and keeping the same standard of interior comfort emerged. The intention was to transform an already made vehicle into another vehicle for another use than the one for which it was initially designed. The first converted vans were simple vans designed to carry people or cargo in which furniture, gas, electrical and water installation were added so it could allow travelling with safety as well as with speed and also resting in not proper camping sites (motorway parking areas for instance).

Primele van-uri amenajate au fost realizate astfel incat sa corespunda necesitatilor particulare ale clientilor. Caroseria ramanea aceeasi, singurele modificari fiind facute in interiorul masinii. Daca vehiculul original era destinat transportului de persoane, transformarea tinea cont de multimea de geamuri existente. Daca vehiculul original era destinat transportului de marfa, atunci se amenaja un spatiu destinat cu prioritate dormitului.

The first converted vans were made to correspond to the specific needs of the customers. The body of the van remained the same while all the alterations were made inside the vehicle. If the original vehicle was destined to carry people, then the conversion would depend on the number of windows that already exist. If the initial vehicle was a cargo van, then a place specially designed for sleep was made.

Evolutia in timp a dorintelor si necesitatilor de confort ale proprietarilor a condus la modificari inclusiv structurale. Astfel, caroseria dubei de marfa a fost decupata pentru a face loc ferestrelor, grilelor de aerisire, trapelor de ventilatie, prizelor exterioare si altor dispozitive necesare. Asa arata un van amenajat de colegii nostri de la Reimo, Germania:

The evolution of comfort needs and requirements from the customers led also to structural changes. Thus, the body of the cargo van has been cut to make room for windows, ventilation grids, roof vents, exterior sockets or anything else needed. This is how a converted van made by our colleagues from Reimo, Germany, looks like:

In interior, van-ul amenajat arata excelent:

Inside it looks excellent:


 Ca si la rulote, latimea si inaltimea sunt relativ identice de la un model la altul, variabila fiind lungimea caroseriei. Astfel, cele mai mici van-uri amenajate au lungimea totala de circa 5 m, iar cele mai lungi pot ajunge la o lungime de 6,5 m sau chiar in unele cazuri de 7 m. O lungime mare a caroseriei, chiar daca ofera spatiu interior ceva mai generos, are insa dezavantajul de a lungi cumva nefiresc masina, ceea ce o face sensibila la denivelari, treceri de cale ferata, sine de tramvai, bumper-e pentru micsorarea vitezei, borduri etc. Cu cat lungimea partii din spate este mai mare, cu atat mai restranse sunt posibilitatile de a face fata la alte suprafete de drum in afara soselelor asfaltate. adaugat despre “coada” prea lunga...

Just like with caravans, the width and the height are almost identical from one model to another, while its length varies depending on the body of the van used. This is how the smallest converted vans are 5 m long, while the longest ones can reach a length of 6,5 m or even 7 m. A big length of the body, even if it offers a slightly more generous interior space, has the disadvantage of lengthening the car in a somehow unnatural way, which exposes it on bumps in the road, rail road passings, tramway tracks, speed bumpers, street borders, etc. The more the length of the back is bigger, the more the chances of coping with diverse road surfaces decrease.

Masa maxima autorizata este in general de 3500 kg, pentru a permite conducerea de catre soferii care au carnet de conducere categoria B. Odata cu aparitia vehiculelor comerciale mici, cum ar fi Ford Tourneo Connect, VW Caddy, Peugeot Partner, Renault Kangoo, au aparut si amenajari ale acestor vehicule. Cu toate acestea, datorita spatiului interior redus, aceste autovehicule nu sunt considerate de multi a fi van-uri amenjate. Eu le mentionez deoarece exista, sunt un segment de nisa si trebuie mentionate.

The Maximum Allowed Mass is usually of 3500 kg to allow the vans to be driven by drivers with B-category drivers’ licence. Once the small commercial vehicles such as Ford Turneo Connect, VW Caddy, Peugeot Partner, Renault Kangoo appeared, conversions for these vehicles also appeared. Even so, due to the small space inside, many don’t consider these vehicles to be converted vans. I mention them because they exist, they belong to a narrow market segment and they have to be mentioned.

Cum rulotele au cort, complet sau doar partial, van-urile au parasolarul retractabil, cu sau fara pereti laterali si perete frontal. Se monteaza pe laterala dreapta a acoperisului, asa cum vedeti in imaginea de mai jos:

As the caravans have tents, either full or partial ones, the converted vans have a retractable sun visor, with or without side walls and front wall. They are mounted on the right side of the roof, as you can see below:


Exista cativa producatori de kituri de conversie a van-urilor, ale caror produse sunt specifice fiecarui tip de vehicul de baza, ba mai mult, exista kituri specifice pentru diferite ampatamente ale van-ului de origine. Accesoriile sunt in general cele specifice rulotelor, insa datorita particularitatilor constructive de forma, exista seturi de adaptare pentru fiecare model de masina in parte. Adica se poate monta acelasi parasolar retractabil pe mai multe tipuri de masina numai folosind kitul de montaj specific tipului respectiv de masina.

There are a few conversion kits manufacturers,whose products are specific to each type of basic vehicle and even more, there are conversion kits specific to different wheel bases. Usually the accessories are the ones specific to caravans, but due to the particularities of the shape constructions, kits to adapt for each model of car are available. Meaning that you can install the same sun visor using the mounting kit for the exact car model.

In ultima perioada, ca vehicul de baza s-a impus tripleta Fiat Ducato/Citroen Jumper/Peugeot Boxer, in principal datorita pretului de achizitie accesibil, precum si datorita dimensiunilor interioare generoase pe care le ofera.

Lately, as a basic vehicle we usually see Fiat Ducato, Citroen Jumper or Peugeot Boxer, mainly due to the accessible acquisition price as well as the generous interior spaces they have to offer.

In Romania, Registrul Auto Roman (R.A.R.) precizeaza ca modificarile structurale ale vehiculelor de transport marfa / persoane se pot face numai de catre firme autorizate in acest sens (firmele autorizate de carosari auto). Asta daca proiectul presupune decuparea panourilor pentru montarea ferestrelor si, eventual, montarea unui al doilea rand de banchete pentru pasagerii suplimentari. Daca proiectul nu include modificari structurale, atunci nu este necesara vizita la un carosier.

In Romania, the Romanian Road Authority (R.A.R.) states that any structural alterations made to cargo or people vans can only be made by companies properly authorised. This if the project includes cutting the side panels and, probably, installing a second round of seats for suplimentary passengers. If the project does not include any structural alterations, then you don’t have to visit a body-work mechanic.

Am contribuit la conversia catorva van-uri de-a lungul anilor si pot spune ca rezultatele au fost diferite de la caz la caz, in functie de dorintele fiecarui proprietar. Pentru proiecte de conversie ma puteti cauta oricand, caci imi face placere sa ma implic in proiecte noi si imi plac provocarile. Intr-un capitol urmator va voi dezvalui la ce proiect personal visez, cand am timp sa visez ;-).

Over the years I have taken part in a few van conversions and I may say that the results were different from project to another, depending on the requests from each owner. I like new projects and I am opened to new challenges, so feel free to reach me for any conversion project. In a future chapter I shall tell you about the project I am dreaming of, that is when I have time to dream ;-).

Va urma... 

To be continued...