duminică, 21 decembrie 2014

joi, 18 decembrie 2014

Vacante de iarna cu rulota

In urma cu ceva timp am scris un articol despre pregatirea rulotei pentru perioada de iarna. Dar citind mai multe articole despre rulotism, mi-am dat seama ca nu am "acoperit" toate domeniile de interes. Astfel incat, m-am hotarat sa scriu despre folosirea rulotei pe timpul iernii.

Some time ago, I wrote an articol about preparing the caravan for the winter period. But, reading several articles about caravanning, I realise I didn't cover all the aspects. So, I decided to write about winter caravanning.

Majoritatea posesorilor de rulota folosesc rulotele in perioada calda a anului. Insa excursiile cu rulota iarna au un farmec deosebit. Este adevarat ca provocarea este mai mare, sunt mai multe lucruri de luat in considerare, insa amintirile sunt nepretuite.

Most caravan owners use their caravans during the warm period of the year. But winter caravanning has it's charm. Yes, do you have more things to do, the challenge is greater, but the memories are priceless.

In primul rand ganditi-va unde vreti sa mergeti. Cautati locuri in care puteti ajunge cu rulota (si de unde puteti pleca inapoi spre casa) in orice conditii. Asigurati-va ca accesul in locatie este usor si independent de factorii meteorologici. Verificati temeinic toate sistemele si instalatiile rulotei, astfel incat sa preintampinati orice defectiune care ar putea sa apara. Apelati la specialisti pentru a modifica sistemul de distributie al aerului cald (daca rulota este dotata cu un astfel de sistem) in asa fel incat spatiul in care se afla butelia sa fie incalzit. Modificati instalatia de apa astfel fel incat rezervorul si conductele de apa sa se afle in interiorul rulotei si nu in afara, cum se mai intampla la unele rulote mai vechi. Puneti o mana de sare grunjoasa in rezervorul pentru apa reziduala (care de cele mai multe ori se afla in exterior) pentru a impiedica inghetarea continutului. Confectionati cate o "talpica" pentru fiecare picior de stabilizare si confectionati o "talpica" ceva mai lunga pentru roata de manevra, care sa impiedice afundarea lor in pamantul moale sau in zapada.

First of all, think of the destination. Find locations where you can enter with your caravan and leave safely, regardless of the road and campsite conditions. Be sure the access to that location is easy no matter what the weather conditions may be. Check carefully all the caravan systems and installations in order to prevent any malfunction that might appear. Call a specialist to modify the warm air distribution system (if the caravan is equipped with one) so the gas bottle space will be heated. Modify the water installation for the water tank and all the water hoses. They should be inside the caravan and not outside, as it is the case of older caravans. Put a small amount of rough salt inside the waste water tank (usually located outside the caravan) to prevent the content from freezing. Make up some sort of "feet" for each corner stabiliser and another longer piece of wood for underneath the front jockey wheel.

Mai mult decat vara, folositi cu incredere cortul rulotei sau, daca aveti, acele corturi de iarna care acopera doar o portiune din peretele rulotei, asa cum vedeti in imaginea de mai jos:

Use the caravan tent even more than during summers or, if you have one of those winter tents that cover only a part of the caravan sidewall, like you see in the image below:

Veti avea la dispozitie un spatiu in care sa lasati incaltamintea, imbracamintea si echipamentele de iarna (schiuri, sanie etc.), dar veti avea si un spatiu "preincalzit" astfel incat sa nu pierdeti prea mult aer cald atunci cand intrati sau iesiti din rulota.

This will be a space available for leaving your boots, your clothes and all the winter gear (ski, sledge etc.), but you will also have a "preheated" space in order to not loose too much warmth when you enter or exit the caravan.

Pe timpul sederii asigurati-va ca nu se depune zapada nici pe rulota, nici pe cort (mai ales). De asemenea, inspectati mai des decat in timpul verii scurgerile de apa reziduala precum si evacuarea gazelor arse de la soba (din cauza vaporilor de apa se poate produce gheata in acea zona, gheata care poate obtura buna evacuare a gazelor arse). Nu lasati frana de mana trasa, deoarece se poate produce lipirea sabotilor de tamburi si blocarea rotilor.

During your stay, don't let the snow accumulate on the caravan, nor on the tent. Also, inspect frequently the waste water sewage and the burned gas evacuation of the Truma heater (because of the water vapours, the frost can appear, clogging the evacuation). Don't leave the handbrake engaged as this could lead to the blockage of the wheels.
La plecare nu uitati sa goliti absolut toata apa din instalatia de apa (rezervoarele de apa proaspata, apa gri si rezervoarele toaletei, boiler si conducte). Stergeti cat se poate de bine cortul, betele si celelalte materiale utilizate si nu uitati ca, odata ajunsi acasa, sa le uscati in conditii potrivite pentru a impiedica deteriorarea lor.

When leaving, do not forget to drain all the water from the water installation (fresh water tank, waste water tank, toilet tanks, water heater, hoses). Clean and dry as well as you can the tent, the poles of the tent and all other materials and don't forget to dry them properly once you arrive home, in order to avoid their deterioration.

Ganditi-va intotdeauna la siguranta voastra si a echipamentului astfel incat sa va bucurati de iesiri cat mai frumoase, chiar si iarna!

Always think about the safety of you and your gear in order to have wonderful trips, even during winter!


luni, 1 decembrie 2014

La multi ani, Romania!


Acum 96 de ani, la Alba Iulia, avea loc Marea Unire si formarea Romaniei asa cum o stim astazi. Sa nu ne uitam radacinile! Sa nu uitam sperantele inaintasilor nostri!

The Great Union and the forming of Romania as we know it today took place 96 years ago, at the city of Alba Iulia. Let us not forget our origins! Let us not forget our forefathers hopes!