de conducere categoria B
Driving licence B category
urma cu cateva zile am povestit cu un bun prieten despre
achizitionarea unei rulote din Olanda. Discutand noi despre
dimensiuni si greutati, i-am spus ca trebuie sa avem grija cu masa
maxima autorizata (MMA) a ansamblului deoarece amandoi avem permis de
conducere doar cu categoria B. El mi-a spus ca in urma ultimei
modificari a Codului Rutier, din iunie 2014, nu mai avem aceasta
problema. Deoarece au existat foarte multe discutii cu privire la
acest subiect pe forumurile noastre de rulotisti, am cautat pe
internet noul Cod Rutier si am gasit urmatorul text de lege:
“f) categoria B:
autovehiculul a carui masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste
3.500 kg si al carui numar de locuri pe scaune, in afara
conducatorului, nu este mai mare de 8;
2. ansamblul format dintr-un autovehicul tragator din categoria B si o remorca a carei masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste 750 kg;
3. ansamblul de vehicule a caror masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste 4.250 kg, format dintr-un autovehicul tragator din categoria B si o remorca a carei masa totala maxima autorizata depaseste 750 kg;
g) categoria BE: ansamblul de vehicule a caror masa totala maxima autorizata depaseste 4.250 kg, format dintr-un autovehicul tragator din categoria B si o remorca sau semiremorca a carei masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste 3.500 kg.”
2. ansamblul format dintr-un autovehicul tragator din categoria B si o remorca a carei masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste 750 kg;
3. ansamblul de vehicule a caror masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste 4.250 kg, format dintr-un autovehicul tragator din categoria B si o remorca a carei masa totala maxima autorizata depaseste 750 kg;
g) categoria BE: ansamblul de vehicule a caror masa totala maxima autorizata depaseste 4.250 kg, format dintr-un autovehicul tragator din categoria B si o remorca sau semiremorca a carei masa totala maxima autorizata nu depaseste 3.500 kg.”
A few days ago I was talking to a friend about the acquisition of a
caravan from The Netherlands. Several issue were dimensions and
weight and I told him that we should observe the maximum allowable
running mass of the caravan in order to respect the B category
driving licence requirements. My friend told me that according to the
new Road Code, as of June 2014, we no longer have this problem.
Because of so many discussions on the caravan related forums, I've
searched the new Road Code and I found the following text:
“f) B category:
1. motor vehicles with a maximum authorised mass not exceeding 3500 kg
and designed and constructed for the transporting no more than eight
passengers in addition to the driver;
2. ansamble formed from a towing vehicle from B category and a
trailer with a maximum authorised mass which is not exceeding 750
3. ansamble of vehicles with a mass authorised mass not exceeding
4.250 kg formed from a B category towing vehicle and a trailer with a
maximum authorised mass exceeding 750 kg;
g) BE category: ansamble of vehicles with a maximum authorised
mass exceeding 4.250 kg, formed from a B category towing vehicle and
a trailer with a maximum authorised mass not exceeding 3.500 kg.”
Prin urmare, in acest moment, conform noului Cod Rutier, cu permis de
conducere categoria B se poate conduce orice ansamblu de vehicule cu
MMA de 4.250 kg SI in care remorca este mai grea de 750 kg (in
vechiul Cod Rutier era prevazuta aceeasi limita de 4.250 kg, dar MMA
a remorcii sau semiremorcii atasate nu putea sa depaseasca 750 kg).
At this moment, according to the new Road Code, with B category
driving licence we can drive any combination of towing vehicle and
trailer with maximum authorised mass not exceeding 4.250 kg AND the
maximum authorised mass of the trailer exceed 750 kg (in the old Road
Code there was the same limit of 4.250 kg, but the maximum authorised
mass of the trailer was limited at 750 kg).
Iar cu permis de conducere categoria BE se poate conduce (respectand
MMA inscrise in C.I.V.-ul autovehiculului tragator si a remorcii) un
ansamblu cu MMA de pana la 7.000 kg.
And with BE category driving licence we can drive (respecting the
maximum authorised mass stated in the homologation certificate of the
towing vehicle and of the trailer) any ansamble of vehicle with
maximum authorised mass not exceeding 7.000 kg.
Aceste modificari ale Codului Rutier largesc intr-o buna masura
restrictiile impuse pentru categoria B si BE, avand in vedere ca la
ora actuala sunt destul de multe rulote mari (cu MMA destul de mare)
care sunt trase fie cu microbuze, fie cu autoturisme 4x4. In egala
masura, aceste noi reglementari vin in ajutorul celor care opereaza
si alt fel de ansambluri de vehicule, cum ar fi autovehicule pentru
transport marfa sau autovehicule mixte care au atasate
platforme/macarale tractate/platforme specializate pentru transport
auto etc.
These modifications of the Road Code enlarge the restrictions
imposed for B and BE category driving licence, considering that many
caravans today are quite heavy and are towed either by a van or by an
off-road vehicle. Also, these new regulations are good for the
operators of any combination of vehicles, such as a small freight van
or a mixt (freight / people) vans with special trailer like crane
trailers, car carrier trailer etc.
Chiar si cu aceasta usoara relaxare legislativa, responsabilitatea conducerii unui ansamblu de vehicule ramane mult mai mare
decat in cazul conducerii unui autovehicul fara remorca.
Even with this small legislative relaxation, I would like to say
that the responsibility of driving an ansamble of vehicles remains
greater than when driving a vehicle without a trailer.
Drumuri bune!
Safe driving!